Mindset + Technical Skills
(double certification)
Successful leaders who benefit the most from their learning journey, invested in both C-FAME programs the LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ – Mindset and the LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ – Mindset. Register now for both programs and develop your leadership instinct to benefit from advantageous bonuses.
LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ (Individual) – Mindset + Technical Skills
You are ready to SWITCH FROM A MANAGER’S STATE OF MIND TO INSTINCTUAL LEADERSHIP MINDSET™ ? This is to propel you and your team from your exhausting zone of performance to your energizing efficient brilliant zone.
This program is the combination of LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ – Mindset and LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ – Technical Skills programs with value added bonuses.
We provide a flexible, personalised and innovative online training solution for you and/or your team.
Mindset + Technical Skills
double certification program includes:
The first 12 steps of the LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ programs. Start your journey by changing your mindset and developing your C-FAME instinctual Leadership!
This training program equips you with concrete and personalised content, practical exercises, powerful insightful techniques and the knowledge needed for creating sustainable leadership change step by step.
LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ - Technical Skills
Get the complete toolkit of management technical skills with this C-FAME LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ program.
Pursue your journey by developing concrete honorable team leadership tools, creatively solve team adversity, improve team and client communication, and include your customers in your strategies.
*Prerequisite : The LEADERSHIP QUIX FIX™ – Mindset certified program
Register now for both programs and develop your leadership instinct to benefit from the following bonuses:
LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ - Selling Ideas Training Session (value of $497)
You wish to sell your ideas easily and enhance your presentation skills? Want to shine in one to one or group meetings? You want to know how to deliver a solid presentation with clarity, persuasiveness and confidence? This session combined with your new C-FAME leadership mindset and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) approach will help you sell with leadership, conviction and assertiveness and win your audience respect. You’ll also learn how to organize your thoughts and data for maximum impact, develop eye-catching visual aids and use effective body language to achieve your goals. Also includes some of the best ways of conducting effective question and answer sessions.
LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ - Corporate Mindset Visualization sessions (value of $497)
An employee, a colleague, a client or a situation triggered some emotions resulting in unbalancing your inner instinctual leadership mindset? This Quick Fix program is to help you recover your C-FAME leadership self-power through the proven technic of visualization. As a leader, we often face situations that trigger negative emotions. Usually, when under these emotions, it can be relatively hard to switch back to your instinctual leadership mindset. This is why taking 10 minutes of your precious time to do one of the Quick Fix leadership capsules guiding you through a relaxation process using NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) techniques will bring you back on your feet to lead effectively. Now more than ever we need leaders who are able to lead from Vision not Fear and trust their own innate sense of Self. Those that follow you recognize this. When in control of your emotions, you can bring out the best of whom you are to your people and your organization, lead by example and bring your team to do the same!
LEADERSHIP QUICK FIX™ - Stories for Brilliant Leaders (value of $397)
C-FAME stories for Brilliant leaders is a combination of printable virtual cards illustrated with a rich variety of pictures, captions and stories (metaphors) designed to provoke insights for leaders in transformation and for their interventions with employees.The force of metaphors comes not from providing new information about the world, but rather from a redefinition of information that is already available to us. As vehicles of understanding, they cultivate openness in language and give abstract concepts a reality. Moreover, metaphors are important due to their inherent ability to cross subject and discipline boundaries. Because metaphors speak to one’s own thoughts and perceptions, they are intensely personal expressions that not only recreate past experiences, but also actually extend them. Metaphors are at the root of creativity. They provide alternative ways of seeing things that go beyond the reach of literal language.